
Material Symbols Icons for Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide - 05/03/2024

With the continuous evolution of Flutter and the demand for visually appealing, high-quality icons in mobile applications, integrating Google's Material Symbols Icons into your Flutter project has become a must-have for developers. The `material_symbols_icons` package by hiveright.tech offers a seamless way to incorporate these icons into your Flutter applications, providing a wide range of options for customization and compatibility with future Flutter updates.

Material Symbols Icons for Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide


With the continuous evolution of Flutter and the demand for visually appealing, high-quality icons in mobile applications, integrating Google’s Material Symbols Icons into your Flutter project has become a must-have for developers. The material_symbols_icons package by hiveright.tech offers a seamless way to incorporate these icons into your Flutter applications, providing a wide range of options for customization and compatibility with future Flutter updates.

Why Material Symbols Icons?

Live Example:

Check out a live flutter web example of the package here to test icon availability and experiment with different style variations.


To integrate Material Symbols Icons into your Flutter project, add the material_symbols_icons package to your pubspec.yaml file:

 material_symbols_icons: ^latest_version

Run flutter pub get to fetch the package.

Basic Usage

To use an icon, import the package and reference the icon using the Symbols class:

import 'package:material_symbols_icons/symbols.dart';

final myIcon = Icon(Symbols.add_task);

Exploring Icon Variations

Material Symbols Icons come in three main styles: Outlined, Rounded, and Sharp. Each style offers a unique visual appeal, allowing developers to choose the best fit for their app’s design:

final myRoundedIcon = Icon(Symbols.add_task_rounded);
final mySharpIcon = Icon(Symbols.add_task_sharp);

Customizing Icons

The package allows for extensive customization of icons using the weight, grade, and fill axes. For example, to create a bold, emphasized icon with a solid fill, you could use:

final myCustomizedIcon = Icon(
 fill: 1,
 weight: 700,
 grade: 0.25,
 opticalSize: 48,

Setting Default Icon Variations

For a consistent look across your app, you can set default icon variations using MaterialSymbolsBase.setOutlinedVariationDefaults, MaterialSymbolsBase.setRoundedVariationDefaults, and MaterialSymbolsBase.setSharpVariationDefaults. This ensures that all icons in your app follow a uniform style:

 color: Colors.red,
 fill: 1,
 weight: 300,
 grade: 0,
 opticalSize: 40.0,


Material Symbols Icons offer a powerful, customizable solution for developers looking to enhance their Flutter apps with high-quality, modern icons. By leveraging the material_symbols_icons package, you can easily incorporate these icons into your projects, ensuring a visually appealing and intuitive user experience.

Whether you’re building a new app from scratch or looking to refresh an existing one, Material Symbols Icons provide the tools and flexibility needed to create a stunning and functional interface. Start exploring the wide range of icons and customization options available and elevate your app’s design today.